
HyperScale your game with us

Build never-before-seen worlds of supermassive scale with MetaGravity HyperScale Engine.


Collaborate with our seasoned developers to refine and elevate your existing game. Leverage our expertise and technology to add unparalleled scale to your world.

Full Design & Bespoke Build

Entrust your vision to our expert team. We craft unique, high-performance multiplayer experiences from the ground up, meticulously translating your concept into a stunning reality.

Enterprise Integrations

Expand your game into new worlds, scale your user base and reduce server costs. Optimise performance and re-engage your player base with cutting-edge features and experiences.

We work with your team to rapidly build a bespoke network replication API. Using our plug-in, you can port your game built in Unreal or Unity (or any other games engine) onto our infrastructure.

Bespoke engine integrations

HyperScale Engine can be integrated with any bespoke game engine to give you access to our HyperScale infrastructure to achieve 100x simulation scale.

Tailored to your needs

We can craft bespoke solutions that perfectly align with your specific goals, target audience, and budget.

Enterprise Integration process

Effortless onboarding with expert support

HyperScale Network Replication API integration
Asset and Gameplay Optimisation
QA and Stress Testing
Live Operations
Coming soon For Game Developers

Build supermassive games with HyperScale Engine SDK for Unreal and Unity

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Open ecosystem compatibility

MetaGravity HyperScale Engine fits seamlessly into your game development stack

MetaGravity transcends traditional server architectures, offering a revolutionary approach to scaling virtual realities.

We fit seamlessly into server-side and client-side development technologies.

Server-Side Stack
(physics, interactions, logic)

World simulation

Game Engine
Game engine (e.g. Unity, Unreal) runs on the client machine Handles core game logic and physics simulation on a dedicated server.
HyperScale World Servers
Replaces traditional game servers with a network of distributed server running the HyperScale Engine responsible for world simulation.
HyperScale Edge Servers
A geo-distributed network of nodes responsible for the last-mile delivery of world simulation as close as possible to player's geographic locations to deliver minimal latency.
Cloud Providers
(e.g. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Services) Agnostic cloud provider to run metagravity servers.
Client-Side Stack
(graphics, sound, input)

End User Deployment With HyperScale

Game Engine Plugins
(e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine) Runs on the client machine, handling rendering, sound, input, and user experience.
Network Load Balancer
Communicates with the server-side MetaGravity engine, communicates relevant local game updates to the server and delivers updates about the rest of the simulated world to the client.
Pixel Streaming or Other Middleware Technology
(Optional) Can be integrated for advanced rendering or networking functionalities, independent of MetaGravity's server side plugin.
Built for developers


Supermassive multiplayer gaming beyond limits

Unleash your creativity

Build never before seen worlds of supermassive scale with MetaGravity HyperScale Engine. Real games, real physics, real scale.